搜索[East West],共找到21个文章
综合黑暗音色East West - The Dark Side v1.0.2-0mac
人声合唱Hollywood Choirs Diamond v.1.0.7-East West-0mac
丝绸之路East West - Silk v1.0.2-0mac
民族音源East West - RA v.1.0.5-0mac
综合音源East West - Goliath v1.0.10-0mac
人声音源East West - Voices Of Opera v1.0.11-0mac
恐怖音效East West - Ghostwriter v1.0.1-0mac
交响合唱团East West - Symphonic Choirs Platinum v1.0.9-0mac
吉他贝斯架子鼓East West - Ministry of Rock 1、2-0mac
小提琴独奏East West – Hollywood Solo Violin Diamond v1.0.5-0mac
竖琴East West Hollywood Harp Diamond v1.0.0-0mac
大提琴独奏East West – Hollywood Solo Cello Diamond v1.0.2-0mac
白金钢琴East West - Pianos Platinum-0mac
打击乐East West - Stormdrum 3 v1.0.4-0mac
白金管弦East West - Symphonic Orchestra(EAST WEST PLAY)-0mac
East West – Hollywood Strings Diamond v2.0.7-0mac
乐器采样工具East West - PLAY 6 v.6.1.9 EXE,VST,VST3,AAX x64 [2021.12.27]-0mac
East West – Hollywood Brass Diamond v1.0.11-0mac
吉普赛风格音源EastWest Gypsy-0mac
管乐音源Hollywood Pop Brass v1.0.0-0mac